Tri-Lakes Humane Society

Shelter Hours
Due to funding constraints and the increased cost of caring for our animals, we are shifting our hours to 11AM - 4PM. For appointments between 4PM - 5PM, please call the shelter to ensure an employee will be able to assist you.
Winter Weather
Just a reminder that when Reeds Spring Schools are closed due to weather both the Tri-Lakes Humane Society Shelter and Thrift Store are also closed.
The Tri-Lakes Humane Society is a local non-profit organization that provides shelter for lost, abandoned, and unwanted animals while actively seeking loving, permanent homes for them. We give every animal who comes to us as much time as funding and space allow to find a new home. We advocate the humane treatment of all animals, and each animal adopted from our Society is spayed or neutered according to state law. We encourage spaying and neutering of all domestic animals through educational programs within the community, and we encourage other opportunities for interaction between The Humane Society, its animals and the community.

Contact Tri-Lakes Humane Society
Tuesday thru Saturday  11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Physical Address: 102 Washboard Hollow Rd, Reeds Spring, MO 65737
Mailing Address: P.O Box 588, Reeds Spring, MO 65737